
Arizona UFO Tours

While we’re searching for a new venue, we thought we’d introduce you to Arizona UFO Tours. When you want to see spaceships, and get no “woo-woo” in the process, The Sedona UFO Tour Guide™ is the one to make the deal with.

Group on an Arizona UFO Tours tour

Arizona UFO Tours will put your hands on a $4,000 night vision technology that will blow your mind. You know the 4 stars that make up the Big Dipper cup? You can see over 50 stars in that cup with these goggles. Your Sedona UFO Tour Guide™ will also explain anything on any topic. This is possible because of his 1st-hand, face-to-face contact with ETs. Ask him anything! It’ll be amazing!

Make your reservation with the Sedona UFO Tour Guide™ at Arizona UFO Tours in Sedona!


Conference Videos!

Promo for the Video Collection

Videos from the conference are available now. To order yours, click on the button below to order a jump-drive with all of the videos from the 2023 Sedona UFO Sightings Conference.


free shipping to USA

Another way to see all the videos from this conference AND all the other conferences at Area 1, is to become a subscriber to TruthOnTV. For only $20 per year, you get access to ALL the shadowbanned and fun content on this family-friendly channel… no commercials!

Do that by CLICKING THIS LINK. Some of the videos from the conference are already on TruthOnTV. Look for the show called “Area 1 Conferences.”


Arizona UFO Tours

is presenting this year’s Sedona UFO Sightings conference along with

Only a week after deciding the date, we have an AMAZING collection of experts in the Space community ready to share their expertise, calculations, experience, and even predictions (probabilities) regarding 2023, and 2024.

Join us April 15th & 16th for the 2023 Sedona UFO Sightings conference. There are only 200 tickets available. Visit this site often and grab your ticket when we go live.

For the best Sedona UFO Tour, be sure to go to and book the FIRST night you’re in town. That way, if the chemtrails are terrible, and they have to cancel, you can go the next night!


the 2023 Conference

The date is set, and of course, so is the venue!